Hello! My name is Marisol Salazar Montoya, and I'm a recent graduate in Computer Animation from Ringling College of Art and Design with a focus on 3D animation.
I was born and raised in Peru surrounded by warm and friendly people who have always supported me and encouraged me to follow my dreams. Ever since I was a kid, I loved to draw and found inspiration in my favorite cartoons, movies and music as well as daily life occurrences. I was very meticulous, and I took my time perfecting my drawings to make them look the way I wanted them to. Slowly, making art became my passion and after discovering that I could do it for a living, I decided to study abroad to have better opportunities at being successful in what I love. Years later here I am, working hard to make my dreams come true. 
When I’m not making art, I like to play video games with my friends, crocheting clothing items and gifting them to other people, and having dance parties by myself.
I've come a long way to get where I am - both literally and metaphorically -  and I can't wait to see where life takes me next!
EMAIL: salazar.marisol123@gmail.com
Cell #: (941) 250-6285
Check out my resume HERE
Thank you for getting in contact!
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